
    Arrival: 8:05-8:25

    Dismissal: 2:30 


    We will have snack everyday.  We encourage students to bring a nutritious snack and drink. Please be sure to send snack and lunch in different bags that are labeled as necessary. Lunch tickets are also available to be purchased.  

    Change of Clothes

    Please send your child with two complete changes of clothing in separate Ziploc bags labeled with your child's name on them.

    Rest Time

    During rest time your child will need either a towel/blanket, a fitted crib sheet to go over the provided mat.  Please note that rest time items are to be sent in on Monday and will be sent home to be washed every Friday. Please send these items to school in a bag that can be easily transported back and forth.  The Big Ziploc Bags are great for this!


    Folders will be used to send home information from school. 

    Please check them everyday and return them the following morning.




     Your child must be able to verbalize their need to use the restrooms at school and be able to use the bathroom independently.  **Please be sure to dress your child in clothes that can be easily undone without help to make bathroom visits quick and easy. 


    Email: brunok@nvnet.org

    Phone Number: 201-768-6060