• Science Extra Help:  Tues-Thurs afterschool and any morning by appointment

    The purpose of extra help is to clear up any misconceptions or uncertainties a student has after the material has been presented.  I ask that the students come to extra help with questions they need answered.  Time constraints make it difficult to reteach everything and the students will be bored if they know the information already.  DMS has adopted a new policy on morning extra help.  Students will not be allowed into the building unless they have been put on an extra help list prior to 8 am.  If a student would like to come in for extra help before school I (Mrs. Werner) must receive an email by 7 pm the night before and the student must have a confirmation from me.

    Quiz/test days are an exception.  I will inform the office the mornings of quizzes/tests in 8th grade science.  This will allow any 8th grade student to come to my room that morning.  I do not go over my study guide and quiz students for review. 
    If you have questions before a test or quiz I will answer them. Do not come in the morning of a test or quiz without questions.
    The purpose of homework is to enhance, practice, or introduce the topics we will go over in class.  Everyone should be able to complete assignments using the materials they have and the thinking skills we will be learning this year.  Since homework is reviewed in class the day it is due there will not be extra help for homework the morning it is due.  If the concept remains unclear after the homework has been reviewed then extra help would be a good next step.
    I am not available before 8 am for extra help.