• school rules

    Mrs. Licameli's Class Rules 
    "You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself in any direction you choose!"
                                                                         ~Dr. Seuss


          I am looking forward to having a great school year. In order to do so, we need to remember some very important classroom rules to have a safe, successful, and fun school year. When we remember to follow all of the classroom rules, we can move up the clip chart. If our clip ends on the “Outstanding” or “Good Job” area of the clip chart, we will earn a sticker for having a great day. When our sticker chart is complete, we can pick a prize from our classroom treasure chest. If we forget to follow the classroom rules, we will be moved down on the clip chart. First, we will be reminded to “Make Better Choices” before we get placed on the “Parent Contact” section of the clip chart. We also need to remember that my clip can move up and down on the chart as often as it needs to, so we have many opportunities to have an “outstanding”day!

    Clip Chart

     Our Classroom Rules Are:

    1.  Listen when your teacher is talking.

    2.  Raise your hand to speak or stand.

    3.  Follow directions quickly.

    4.  Be safe, kind, and honest.

    5.  Respect others, yourself, and your school.